Friday, June 4, 2010

Preschool Program/Graduation

Last week, we went to the boys' preschool program. All the classes performed a little song, and then they had graduation for those kids moving up to Kindergarten next year. This was Nick's first year, so he just performed...but Trey graduated!

Here is Nick with his teachers Mrs. Wettig and Mrs. HeatherNick just loved his teachers this year, and judging by the bunny-ear picture below, I can see why!!
This is Trey with his buddies from class. He talked about these guys all year long! (Tanner, Bryant, Nicholas, Trey)
Trey with Mrs. Ronda, his teacher
Trey with Mrs. Tammy, another one of his teachers
Trey & Luke both had the same teachers, but on different days of the week.
Luke, Trey & Nick after the program...It was getting a little crazy by this point!
Trey in his graduation cap

1 comment:

Mike and Cindy said...

Your boys are growing up way too fast!! Keep the photos and stories coming! We love them!